
Search international e-materials

International e-material search finds

  • international full-text articles
  • international article references
  • international e-books and e-publications

Search Tips

  • Use English search terms. You can try also other languages.
  • The search also includes information about articles that SeAMK students and staff have no access.

Direct links to the articles and e-journals

An AI-powered technology integrated into SeAMK-Finna’s international e-materials search delivers

  1. a direct link to the PDF full article (LibKey link)
  2. a link to the complete issue of the same journal, showing other articles published in the same issue (link to the BrowZine e-journal collection)

Functionality does not always find LibKey and BrowZine links. However, the search results may show a link to the database where the article can be found (for example ABI/INFORM Collection). It is also worth checking whether the article is available via Google Scholar. The same link can also be used to check the access rights to the material.

Browse the e-journal collection BrowZine-logo.

  • You can find a collection of e-journals available at SeAMK in BrowZine.
  • You can browse the by subject or search by name and subject.
  • You can create an account and save the articles and journals you find to your own shelf.

Search articles with their DOI or PMID identifiers

If you know the DOI or PMID identifier of the article, you can try searching for the article using

Other international e-resources

International e-material search does not cover all articles, e-journals and e-books acquired to SeAMK. Therefore, we recommend that you search them also directly via databases available at SeAMK.

In our library guide covering journals and articles you'll find links to all international article databases. You can try Ebsco's journal databases on several subject areas and other international article databases.

In our library guide covering e-books you’ll find links to all international e-book services. You can search for e-books directly from e-book services such as Ebsco, ProQuest and Knovel.