
What is SeAMK-Finna?

SeAMK-Finna is Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences Library’s search service, where you can search printed materials and electronic resources acquired to the library. You can also request books which are on shelf or on loan and renew your loans. Requests and renewals are possible as you are logged in. Students and staff of SeAMK log in to SeAMK-Finna with their SeAMK credentials (Haka login). Other patrons can order a login link to their email address or log in with a Finna ID.

SeAMK-Finna includes

    • SeAMK Library's printed books and journals
    • e-books and e-journals
    • SeAMK thesis
    • links to e-resources and databases
    • international articles, e-books and publications
    • Finnish articles
    • Publications written by the SeAMK staff
    • Also included: Search from Eepos Libraries' collections

    Many ways to search

    Basic search and advanced search

    With the basic search (search from Library collections) and the advanced search, you can find local material in the library, namely printed books and e-books, printed journals and e-journals, SeAMK theses and links to databases. You can also do a so-called blank search by just clicking the search button .

    International e-materials search

    With the international e-materials search, you can find numerous peer-reviewed studies, article publications and e-books from a variety of disciplines and publishers in an electronic format. You can also search for international e-materials with advanced search. Advanced search from International e-resources is different from advanced search from Library collections.

    Finnish articles search

    With the Finnish articles search, you can apply for domestic professional and scientific articles and publications. You can find information about Finnish articles and publications and links to their full texts. You can also search for domestic articles with advanced search.

    Open educational resources search

    With the Open educational resources search, you can find open educational resources (OER) from all levels of education in the Library of Open Educational Resources. The service and its OERs are available for use by teachers, learners and everyone else.

    Browsing lists

    The database list contains information about e-resources and databases that library has purchased. Database list also includes all links to databases. From the journal list you will find library's printed and electronic journals.

    Local view to the national Finna

    SeAMK-Finna is the local view to the national Finna information search service. provides free access to material from Finnish museums, libraries and archives. More information about Finna

    Feedback is more than welcome. Try SeAMK-Finna now!

    Enquiries: Library's web services